CHOIRLAB24 wants to try and make a
minimal negative impact on the planet as possible.
Please consider car sharing, using public transport or walking to the venue. There is no parking at the venue (unless you request disabled parking as you order your tickets). There is parking further up the hill, which is a 5 minute walk to the Roper Theatre
Please bring your own packed lunch. There will be some snacks available to buy, but we would like to encourage you to bring your own packed lunch and enjoy listening to the performing choirs singing while you chomp!
There is water fountain at the venue, so please bring a refillable bottle for water. There will also be tea/coffee available, but if you can bring your own mug, that saves on throwing away lots of paper cups!
For most of the singing workshops, lyrics/melodies will be projected on to the screen/TV. In the workshops for Music Readers, you will either be asked to print out yourself (or put on your ipad), or music will be borrowed from a library and then returned at the end of the session.