You must select one 65 minute workshop from each Session number

10:15 - 11:20

You must select one workshop from the three on offer at this time
WORKSHOP B - 10:15 - 11:20
Fran Jones
Acapella Musical Theatre

During this musical theatre workshop you’ll explore a West End/Broadway classic arranged a Capella and in four part harmony. The session will be fast paced and a whole lot of fun! You’ll learn the parts by ear so you don’t need to be able to read music, but you’ll need a score to work from on the day. You’ll be sent a pdf nearer the time and a few spare copies will be available on the day.
WORKSHOP C - 10:15 - 11:20
Francis Faux
(Music Readers Only)

In this session Francis will explore one of the masterpieces of the Renainssance - Palestrina's Sicut Cervus. You will need to be familiar with your part, or be able to sight read the music. Francis will be concentrating on dynamics, rise and fall of phrases and the choir blend. During the workshop the choir will move to the foyer area to explore singing in different acoustics.
Copies will be available but can be viewed in advance from the links below:

11:45 - 12:50

You must select one workshop from the three on offer at this time.
WORKSHOP D - 11:45-12:50
Wendy Sergeant
Acappella Jazz

A high-octane a cappella romp through some jazz classics including All that jazz and One note Samba. We will play with rhythms and harmonies to get the music deep into our bones! Everyone welcome what ever age, or experience. All the songs will be taught by ear with lyrics on the big screen
WORKSHOP E - 11:45-12:50
Jane Harris
Fabulous Folk

Join Jane for an uplifting and rewarding workshop including the folk classic Sing John Ball which she will lead with her fiddle. Enjoy beautiful melodies, rich harmonies and moments of stillness. Jane teaches by ear and loves to explore songs in different ways to enrich and deepen the singing experience, uncovering the best in our voices and drawing us together with heartfelt, resonant singing.
WORKSHOP F - 11:45 - 12:50
Alice Dicker
Contemporary acapella
(Music Readers Only)

Matthew Coleridge is one of the UK's most exciting and energising composers, who's 'Requiem' is in the top 50 in the Classic FM Hall of Fame. 'My Beloved Spake' is a ravishing setting of text from the Song of Solomon, composed for the Choir of Royal Holloway. The composer has written a special unaccompanied arrangement for ChoirLab24, and music will be emailed following registration.
To hear the original arrangement click here: https://youtu.be/zMbKbtmMFRo?si=KnUd-j9P8Qv7M6rr

13:40 - 14:45

You must select one workshop from the three on offer at this time.
WORKSHOP G - 13:40-14:45
Bruce Ncube
Music From Zimbabwe

Back by popular demand! Bruce Ncube specialises in teaching traditional songs from his native country of Zimbabwe in 3 to 6 part harmonies. His method of teaching is in the traditional, aural way; reminiscent of long ago when people would gather around a fire in the evenings or while working in the fields and start weaving harmonies. His approach is inclusive and participatory, designed to build people's confidence in singing. The songs he teaches are emotionally charged carrying messages of love and hope.
WORKSHOP H - 13:40-14:45
Clare Oliver
A Capella Sacred

If you fancy exploring singing a capella sacred repertoire whilst also developing your vocal technique and knowledge, then this is the workshop for you!
We will be working on a variety of warm-ups and two pieces:
Drop, drop slow tears - Orlando Gibbons (Printed copies supplied in the session)
Lift Thine Eyes (Elijah) - Mendelssohn, arr. Jackman
(Printed copies supplied in the session)
A little bit of experience with singing in choirs would help you in this workshop (but no need to read music although sheet music will be provided)
WORKSHOP I - 13:40-14:45
Modern Musicals
Vicky Jacobs

Vicky Jacobs has worked on some of the biggest musicals of our time and she can’t wait to share them with you. We will be celebrating our favourite songs from modern musicals: think Wicked, Hamilton and more. Easy-to-read sheet music will be provided but you don’t need to be a confident sight-reader to join in with this session - you just need to love a show tune!

15:10 - 16:15

You must select one workshop from the three on offer at this time
WORKSHOP J - 15:10-16:15
Go for Gospel
Jo Sercombe

Back by popular demand, join experienced Gospel Choir Director and Bath Community Gospel Choir's founder, Jo Sercombe to learn some accessible gospel song from the Gospel repertoire. All learning will be done by 'hearing and singing back' and no previous experience is needed - just a desire to have a go and make a joyful noise!
WORKSHOP K - 15:10-16:15
Tim Richards
Expert Singing Tips
(A relaxed interactive lecture)

This is an interactive lecture.
What muscles do you actually use when you sing?
Do you sometimes struggle to get to the end of a long phrase?
Does your choir leader tell you off for scooping up to notes?
Do you push hard to reach the high notes?
Do you need a different sound for different styles of songs in your choir?
Tim has worked with West End Stars, and teaches at The Royal Academy of Music in London and is Head of Faculty at the Royal Welsh College. He has an expert encyclopaedic knowledge of how the voice works. In this session he aims to give you lots of voice tips and tricks to help you sing your best in your choirs.
WORKSHOP L - 15:10 - 16:15
Neil Moore
English Part Songs
(Music Readers Only)

Neil will lead you through a selection of English Part Songs:
As torrents in Summer, The long day closes, My spirit sang all day, Lay a garland
Music will be provided by Neil, but you can access this in advance, and if you would like, print off your own copies from here: